Winner & Loser

By | August 12, 2022
Source: Pixabay

In this blog entry I would like to check what in my opinion is related to winning, losing, and therefore to winners and losers. Its related to Bets & Outcomes, but it has a larger scope.


As I understand winning is an action of gaining or achieving more than what is the status quo (the current state of the situation). It is not limited to one’s own success, but also to the success of others. Winning is also related to luck. Can you induce luck? Yes, you can. Only if you play the lotto, you can win something. If you never play, how can you win? So, the more you play, the more can you win. It doesn’t mean it will happen, but it is in general a question of the pure possibility.


I think being a winner means to help yourself and others to achieve something, therefore this can be seen as intelligent behavior, too. Intelligent life is more likely to survive. A winner is not to be confused with a lucker. That is really something else. Winning is hard work. It takes planning, is very energy / time consuming and one must have an attitude of not giving up even if bad luck happens a lot. A lucker just does something without much intelligence and gains benefit from that. By mathematical law the luck will stop at some time in the future and turn into bad luck.


As Losing I understand the result of actions that are non-beneficial for yourself and others. This can happen out of unintelligent actions or simply by bad chance. To minimize losing or being a loser, it is recommended to find a way to reduce unintelligent actions. As unintelligent I understand bringing yourself or others in bad situations just because you can, or you don’t think about consequences. That will result in losing situations by itself. The other source of losing, bad luck, is a statistical probability that in the mean everyone experiences at the same rate. But, for example, for you to be able to lose $10.000, you need to have it first and you must be able to bet it. If your behavior is like a loser, by which you don’t even earn anything, you won’t be able to even have those $10.000 in the first place. You cannot lose what you don’t have, but you will lose in another way, because it is a simple question of probability. It will happen and bad situations will appear, it’s just a question of when. In the large view, everyone wins and loses in the same amount. That’s a mathematical truth.


Have you ever been called a loser? A Loser is a person, who is quite bad to himself and others by unintelligent behavior. That will produce situations of higher probability of bad luck and harm. Try to keep this in mind. To become less a loser and more a winner you must take intelligent action by trying to think about what others need, rather then what you need yourself.

At Investments

Investing can be understood the same way. If you want to be successful at investing, markets, betting or even doing anything with success, it takes hard work and ressources of yourself. I am quite sure that without deep understanding of what actually you are doing, you cannot be successful in the financial space. You can have luck, but in a continuous way, success won’t happen only by chance.

3 thoughts on “Winner & Loser

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