In my opinion the Church of any religion is a big company, too. If you are religious, you might get mad about this statement. But you might be better off staying with facts, because facts are gold. And one fact is: We just know that a church is run by people. Everything else about religion is “believe”. Then what does it mean? I will try to summarize it.
At first any successful company needs customers. That is an easy task for any religion, there are believers. Those believers go to church or some place to consume the service that the church or religious organization provides. This service is e.g. praying, listening to gurus / priests who tell you what to do, or just tell something, give shelter, sometimes food, put out some rules for anyone’s life. It is very clever to talk mysterious drivel and sell it as advice for people who really suffer from problems in their life. Those gurus might never have experienced anything like the believers they give the advice to. That’s kind of a lame service. Even worse, those gurus charge you. Since the medieval time the company of Christ church is very strong, rich and powerful to influence the politics within many countries. I would like to certainly mention that this is still the case today. Churches and their leaders are responsible for wars and make people suffer. Further, this is not limited to Christ church. Any church organization is like that. Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Jewish… you name it. But why does it exist then? Well, people need advice. And advice is never free (unless you visit my website 😉 ). And gurus who like power try to sell their advice. If it works, people will like him. If it’s the wrong advice, he can find an explanation. “God didn’t want it to happen” or whatever. And the more advice people need, because ideas for solutions do not come to their minds, the more customers have a positive opinion about the church’s stories. (Because there is a chance that everything works, as you can read here.).
Let’s recall simple considerations.
- Church = Company
- Religion = Sales Stories
- Priest / Guru = Salesman
- Believer = Customer
- Advice = Service / Product
You have a life problem (e.g. you have not enough money) and you go to church to ask god for advice. You sit down and pray.
That’s already stupid.
Nobody will help you, if you ask nonexistent people or things for advice. You could stay home and talk to the wall. That has the same effect.
Then the priest / guru comes up and talks to you. He tells you this and that. You listen. Yes, Amen.
How can he know what’s good for you?
He cannot. The guru is making a bet on your problem with zero risk. Clever guy. He is very creative, or he has a book with 1000 pages and recalls a story that was written down by people 2000 years ago who today would be considered as creative hippies. I would suggest that this is not a good base to solve anyone’s problems, while most of the problems source from not having enough money.
In the end he tells you to give some charity for the church, so he as an employee can have a nice salary, good meals and build fancy buildings.
It is really bad, but some people cannot even count to 10 and believe in any advice they can get. That’s why the whole thing exists. The smarter people become, the more they can resolve their own problems by themselves, by clever thinking, by working and don’t need to spend their hard-earned money on gibberish by fraudsters.
Then what is the solution?
Well, you could start and study how markets work, what is freedom, what is money, and how to be a winner. Also, you could simply find a job and work your ass off at the same time. (By the way I do that too, even I have money). Then try to avoid the fake advisors with beautiful senseless stories.
I have never been religious, because I always thought only weak people do that and believe in things that do not exist. Making money out of people’s problems, especially financial problems and psychologic pain is not very noble. Religion used as a sales story is indeed a shitshow.
In many cases being a friendly person will help you more than all of any religion can. It will come back to you in a friendly way. And if not, then better just leave those people until you can find a friendly environment and stay there. Once you have made enough money, you can believe in anything you want like flying spaghetti monsters and spend it on whatever you want.